Friday, March 16, 2012

New Dates!

This year we will be holding Colorguard and percussion auditions April 23-27th. Drum major auditions will be May 7th-11th. Band camp will start begin with registration night on July 19th and will continue with rehearsals on July 20th and 23rd-26th. Band Camp preview night will be on July 27th. All of these dates have been added to the google calendar =-)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pre-Festival Concert

We will be previewing our festival music at a concert on Tuesday February 28th at 7pm. Students should arrive by 6:15pm wearing black and white concert attire. We are still waiting for final word on our concert festival performance. Festival will be sometime during the week of March 5-8.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

End of Semester

Reminder: the band exam will cover the circle of 5ths. You can find it online here.

If you haven't turned in your 2nd quarter project, you can still turn it in, but nothing will be accepted after 10:30am Friday.

Have a safe and restful break!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


New gloves have been ordered. Any students wishing to purchase new gloves should bring $2 to the band room. Sizes s, m, l, and xl will be available.

This Week in Band

Here's the line-up...

Tuesday (today)- Percussion has asked to rehearse after school until 3:30. Please pick students up on time.

Wednesday- Band practice during school, nothing after school.

Thursday- Band concert at 7pm. Students should plan to leave school at 2:05, and return at 6pm dressed in black pants/ long skirt and a black or white top with black dress shoes. The school requires us to charge a $3 admission. However, if you have already paid your band fee in full, that will count towards your admission.

Friday- We will be marching in the Nashville Christmas parade. Students will be stay after school and pizza will be provided for dinner. I expect we will return to Cane Ridge between 9 and 9:30pm.

Saturday- Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday- The band boosters will host a holiday party for students starting at noon. After that, we will suit up and leave for the Donelson-Hermitage Christmas Parade. I expect we will rerun to Cane Ridge around 5:30-6pm.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No TSU Parade

Unfortunately I've had to make the difficult decision to cancel our participation in the TSU parade for this year. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes. This also means that Thursday's after school practice will not be held.