Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Football Friday Night- the details for 9/2

Wear your band shirt to school.
Wear your band shirt, jeans, and marching shoes to the game
You CAN go home after school. Be back by 4pm. Students who wish to stay after school may do so.
You will need to bring a snack and/or money for concessions during 3rd quarter break. NO FOOD will be provided by the band this week.
We are marching Part 1 of the halftime show.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Longer Thursday Practices

In order to prepare for our first football game and our competitions, we have extended Thursday rehearsals to 5:30pm. Tuesday rehearsals will still finish by 4:30.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Car Wash!!

The CRHS Band will be holding a car wash on August 27th. This is a fantastic opportunity to earn money towards your band fee.

Please plan to join us at the Shell Oil Co. Convenient Store located at the corner of Hobson Pike and Murfreesboro Road.  This is a great opportunity to earn money to pay your Band Fees for the upcoming year. The next band fee payment of $25 is due September 1st. We will begin promptly at 9:00am and will wash cars for about 4 hours. Remember it will be hot so eat a good breakfast and wear comfortable clothing, (that you can get wet). You need to come with a great attitude, ready to work and have some fun. 

Plan on coming? Leave a comment below so we know how many people to expect. (FYI- it will take a few hours for your comment to show up, that's normal)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Letter Jacket Update

A representative will be here Tuesday 2-4:30 to fit students for letter jackets. Students who wish to order jackets on Tuesday will need to bring their letter and a check or credit card to pay for the jacket. Jacket prices will start at about $129.10, and go up as options are added. The 129.10 price includes the students name embroidered on the jacket with their instrument name, having their letter sewn onto the jacket, and having their graduationh year on the sleeve. I am trying my best to attach the image of the order form here. If you would like me to e-mail you a copy of the order form, please send me an email by clicking here and let me know.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Band Shirts!

We are currently taking orders for band shirts. Marching band students have already had shirts ordered for them, and we are currently taking orders for parent t-shirts. Wearing your Cane Ridge Band shirt in the stands is a great way to support the band at football games, and a FANTASTIC way to support the band at competitions.

In addition to short sleeve t-shirts, there are also long sleeve t-shirts, sweat shirts, and hoodies available. The band shirt is considered spirit wear and students will be allowed to wear it as part of their school uniform.

If you are interested in ordering shirts, please fill out the order form here and send cash or check made out to "Cane Ridge Band Boosters." (Prices are listed on the order sheet) All orders should be placed by Monday August 22nd in order to have your shirt(s) back in time for the first football game on September 2nd.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letter Jackets

Last year a number of students expressed interest in having letter jackets. A representative form Neff will be coming to marching band practice on Tuesday August 23rd to size students for letter jackets and take orders. Students will need to bring their letter and payment on Tuesday to order a jacket. I will post an order form for your review as soon as I have one. You can read more at http://www.neffco.com/.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Concert Band Forms

These forms will be going home in paper form on Monday, August 15th. I've posted copies here in case you would like a preview.

Band Guidelines

Special Projects Info

Monday, August 8, 2011

Red Tape and Paperwork

Think you might be missing any of the required forms for marching band? Here are the forms and links to each of them. You can always e-mail Ms. Teter (click to e-mail) if you aren't sure what you still need to turn in.

Phyisical form (no link available)

Heat Hints Form

Medical Release Form

Contact Info Form

Band Uniform Agreement Form

Travel Release Form

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Band Camp Progress Report

It's almost 11am on Wednesday and band camp is already HALF FINISHED. Tomorrow we will finish setting the drill for the opener; a milestone we didn't reach until September last year. The students are doing a fantastic job, and I am super excited!!!