Friday, October 28, 2011

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 1st. Since I teach in several different classrooms, I will be based in room 1403, the piano lab, for conferences. Please feel free to stop by, or schedule a specific time by e-mail or phone (615-687-4000 x819135).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Band Happenings

Here's a new view of the band calendar. Please feel free to print out the calendar or save the link.

Here's what's coming up-

Regular band practice 10/27 from 2:30-4:30.
No band practice on the Week of October 31st.
Practice resumes November 8th and 10th from 2:30-4:30.
We are marching in the TSU homecoming parade November 12th.
Our Christmas Concert is December 1st.
We are marching in the Nashville Christmas Parade on December 2nd.

Last Football Game

Our last football game for this year will be Friday, October 28th. This is an away game at Antioch High School. Band Boosters will be feeding the band before the game. Boosters are providing BBQ Pork sandwiches, chips, and bottled water.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Friday and Saturday 10/7 & 10/8

Friday Night is SENIOR NIGHT! All seniors should have filled out an information sheet in class. Parents, please plan on coming to the game to walk with your senior as they are honored by our school.

As usual we will have pizza in the band room before the game for students to purchase at a price of $3. We will have a short rehearsal from 4-5:15, Eat and dress 5:15-6:00, Line up at 6:15 and march to the stadium at 6:20. Students who stay after school must stay in the band room. Students are not allowed to visit their locker or vending machines after 2:15.

Saturday's competition at Antioch High School is our final competition of the year. This is also a nearby competition and I would encourage all parents to come at watch one of our two (yes, two!) performances on Saturday. Please note that parents might be needed to drive their children to Antioch high school. I will keep you updated as I have more information on the possibility of a bus.

12:45 Arrive at CRHS Bandroom. Eat lunch before you arrive!
1pm-2:15 Rehearse
2:20 Dress
2:40 Pack
2:50 Depart for Antioch. I am hoping for a bus, but that is not finalized yet. We might need parents to drive their students to Antioch from Cane Ridge.
3:00 Unload
3:15 Warm up
3:45 Perform for Prelims
4:45 Prelim awards (drum majors only)
5-6pm Dinner time. Bring money to buy food at the concessions stand (about $10)
6:30 Approx. Warm up time
7:00 Approx. Finals Performance
8:30 Finals awards
9:15 Depart Antioch High School