Tuesday, November 29, 2011


New gloves have been ordered. Any students wishing to purchase new gloves should bring $2 to the band room. Sizes s, m, l, and xl will be available.

This Week in Band

Here's the line-up...

Tuesday (today)- Percussion has asked to rehearse after school until 3:30. Please pick students up on time.

Wednesday- Band practice during school, nothing after school.

Thursday- Band concert at 7pm. Students should plan to leave school at 2:05, and return at 6pm dressed in black pants/ long skirt and a black or white top with black dress shoes. The school requires us to charge a $3 admission. However, if you have already paid your band fee in full, that will count towards your admission.

Friday- We will be marching in the Nashville Christmas parade. Students will be stay after school and pizza will be provided for dinner. I expect we will return to Cane Ridge between 9 and 9:30pm.

Saturday- Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday- The band boosters will host a holiday party for students starting at noon. After that, we will suit up and leave for the Donelson-Hermitage Christmas Parade. I expect we will rerun to Cane Ridge around 5:30-6pm.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No TSU Parade

Unfortunately I've had to make the difficult decision to cancel our participation in the TSU parade for this year. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes. This also means that Thursday's after school practice will not be held.